Sunday, September 23, 2012

Monday September 24th Meeting

We will have a meeting tomorrow, Monday, September 24th in Mr. Cunningham's room from 3:30-4:30 pm.


1.  Stomp Out Bullying Sign Ups
2.  Mix It Up Idea Brainstorming
3.  Poster Session/Skit Writing
4. Wrap-Up

October meetings will be 10/15 and 10/29!

Here are some ideas to get your creative juices flowing for our activity.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

My Story

 My name is Suellen Sedlock and I work at Imagine Town Center. I just wanted to share a story that I think might be of some help to students who are so called "different". I was born with Treacher Collins Syndrome. It affects the facial features. I have bones missing by my eyes, my ears are smaller and my jaw is weird. I also have mild hearing loss as well. I have a very mild case of TCS. My brother also has it as well. Growing up was very challenging, I got called all kinds of names and no one wanted to be friends with me. I had to be in Special Ed classes because of my hearing. Which was fine with me because I was shy. I made awsome friends but was still looked and stared at weird.

I almost dropped out of school at a young age, instead I transferred to another school and things where better. I learned so much about myself in High School, but there was one mean person who really messed with me and I again almost dropped out. My best friend was always there for me and kept me going. My senior year of HS was the best even though she wasnt there with me. I did share time and worked in the afternoon at an insurance company, where no one cared about how my face looked.

Being made fun of over the years really messed with me, but I soon came to realize that I am me and no surgery to fix me willl ever change the person I am today. I'm 34 and work with kids, sometimes they look at me like I have 2 heads and they can't stop staring . Sure it still make me uncomfortable but I'm OK with it...I'm me and that is all that matters...